我想开始上大学. 我首先要做什么?

You’ve already made the toughest decision on deciding that college is right for you, and Prince George's 社区 College (PGCC) was an excellent choice! Your next step is to complete and submit the Application for Admission.

Is the admissions and registration procedure the same to take noncredit, 继续教育课程?

No, noncredit students can skip the admissions process and go straight to registration to select the courses they wish to take.

Can I take credit classes if I have permanently left elementary or secondary school and I am over the age of 16?

Applicants over the age of 16 who do not have a high school diploma, 或者GED and who have permanently left elementary or secondary school are welcome to take credit classes, but may not be eligible to receive Title IV federal financial aid. 另外, applicants seeking entry into any health technology program must provide a complete transcript, 高中毕业证书复印件, 或者GED.

Can I take credit courses even if I’m not interested in working toward a degree?

是的. On your Application for Admission, simply use the curriculum code “990.”

还记得, 然而, as a non-degree seeking student you are NOT eligible for most financial aid and for all VA educational benefits.


You can get your books as soon as you’ve registered and paid for your classes.

The college’s bookstore is located in the Largo Student Center on the main campus in Largo.

The bookstore can help you determine what books you need, based on the courses you have listed on your tuition bill.

You should plan to buy your books before classes begin. 但是不要在上面写字. If you decide not to take the class or if you got the wrong book you can return it if it is not marked up in any way.

What’s the difference between being “admitted” and being “registered”?

Admission refers to being accepted as a student by the College. It is the one time process of completing an application and being entered into the College’s database as a student.

登记 refers your request to take specific courses for the semester. You must register every semester for course; you are admitted only once.

What is a “curriculum,” and why do I have to select one?

“课程”一词(复数), “curricula”) refers to a group of related courses, 通常在一个特殊的研究领域. The College has many curricula, for example: Computer Science, Nursing, Business Management, etc. Students are asked to select one curriculum as a “major,” or area of concentration to help focus their interests.

Each curriculum requires a series of specific courses. 为了达到他们的教育目标.

Students are asked to select a curriculum as soon as possible so that they can achieve their educational goal in the most efficient way – without taking any irrelevant courses.


是的. While it is not a requirement for admission, we ask that anyone 20 years of age or younger submit copies of their high school records to be used for advising purposes.

With one exception: Students requesting an F-1 student visa MUST submit proof of completion of the equivalent to high school graduation unless they have already completed a year or more of college

I understand that the college requires placement testing. 如果我失败了,我会被拒绝入学吗?

NO! As a matter of fact, you won’t take the placement tests until after you have been admitted! These tests help to determine which courses are appropriate for you. 例如, if you need any “refresher” courses in math, 阅读, or composition; the tests will indicate that so you can register for those here at the college.

Students whose native language is other than English will be given a version of the test which assesses English speaking and comprehension skills. 再一次。, the placement test will indicate whether or not the student should take additional classes in English language skills.

You may not have to take these tests if you’ve attended college before or have previously earned a degree. See an advisor before you do anything else!

What is the deadline for paying my tuition?

Tuition is paid one semester at a time at the time you register for classes. At that time, you will receive a bill that specifies the due date on it. You must pay the tuition bill on or before that date or risk having your registration canceled.

Students who register early have a longer time to pay than students who register right before classes begin. 提前计划是值得的!


在PGCC没有入学截止日期. We will process your application as soon as it is received. If you bring your completed application to the Office of 招生 & 记录 at the Largo Campus, you can be admitted on the spot!